Our Journey
United Nations / Embassies
- UNDSS - Afghanistan
- UNDP - Pakistan
- World Bank - Pakistan
- UNOCHA Afghanistan
- UNILO - Afghanistan
- UNILO - Fiji
- UNILO - Pakistan
- UNILO - Vietnam
- UNDSS - Pakistan
- UNDSS - Nepal
- International Organization for Migration
- The Danish Embassy
- Embassy of Switzerland
- Austrian Embassy
- Asia Foundation
- Association of Aid and Relief (AAR)
- CARE International
- Christian Blind Mission
- Cordaid International (Holland)
- Development Alternatives Inc.
- GAIN (Geneva, Switzerland)
- International Crises Group
- International Finance Corporation
- Merie Stopes Society (US)
- Relief International
- Sans Frontieres – OBC
- Merie Stopes Society (US)
- Medecins Sans Frontieres – OBC
- Mercy Corps (US)
- Oxford Policy Management
- Oxford Policy Management
- Pak Alleviation Fund
- Welthunger Hilfe Pakistan
Corporate Sector
- Ericsson in Pakistan
- Euro Car in Pakistan
- MG Motor Pakistan
- Netsole Technologies
- Pakistan Petroleum Limited
- Telenor Pakistan